A Large Dam, Small Fish and the BaTonga

95 years of Zambian history observed by Gray K. Madyenkuku


was published in spring 2017 with Tredition publishers


ISBN Paperback 978-3-7345-5523-7

ISBN Hardcover 978-3-7345-5524-4

ISBN ebook        978-3-7345-5525-1


Bestellen bei Amazon.de


Die Interviews fanden im Juni 2016 statt.

The interviews took place in June 2016 at the house of G. Madyenkuku.

Thank you for the food and hospitality and many hours of interesting discussion and exchange of ideas. May God bless all of you!




Am 3.3.2021 

wird Gray Madyenkuku 100 Jahre alt!

Die Corona Pandemie läßt es nicht zu, dass wir dort mitfeiern, aber wir sind in Gedanken dabei und wünschen ein unvergessliches Fest im Kreis seiner großen Familie.



In June 2018

I visited Ba Gray again.

He received copies of the book for his family and friends.Who all wanted a copy of course.

He is in good health and enjoys conversations on development and the world at large.


At the age of 95, Gray K. Madyenkuku has seen it all. As a boy he was one of the first to receive an education by the missionaries who came to the hot and remote Gwembe Valley in Southern Province of Zambia. He and his family lived through the resettlement of 57 000 BaTonga people after for construction of the Kariba dam, the largest man-made lake at that time and he saw the struggle for Zambia´s independence. As critical observer of development and a longtime member of local committees and projects, he is also heading a large family. This is the view of a local man of the changes and developments from colonial times to today.

Smartphone users can access the original recordings via QR Codes in the book.

Ba Grey Madyenkuku died in March 2022 at the age of 103!

Ursula Gröhn-Wittern

Dipl.-Ing. agr.


Profil bei LinkedIn

